

As your President-elect, my vision for a secure Haiti is to use technology that will enable my government to protect all human rights. I will also call on Haitians from all walks of life to play a key role in our national security.


Ayisyen Konsene will bring a national program to make education safer and easier for everyone. Through our new security efforts, Teachers and students will be made to feel safe in the classroom. This will aid in the development of healthy social skills for our students and enable our teachers to concentrate on the lessons at hand without distraction.

Healthcare in haiti


Ayisyen Konsene is very concerned about our healthcare system in Haiti. In a country where healthcare is not accessible to everyone, our children and elderly are at risk. As your next president, I will make sure that hospitals are not just for the wealthy. Hospitals should have open doors for all Haitians. We will also be remodeling as well as building new clinics throughout Haiti so healthcare is more readily available to everyone.

Let's change our tomorrow

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